I can't have pictures of the parasite that were found but, some of FTW french team draw them... there probably on many site because I'm sure that we have like 13-14 mole that gives informations to outsiders...

Pour ceux qui ne me croient pas, je fait vraiment partie de l'équipe francophone de FTW search, j'ai été employé il y a envrion 8 mois de ça.
Sam J. Jarb
hi jj...
you're the best...
JJ... thank you for Cloverfield. And yes, you are the best!!!
Alien Autopsy is a film starring Ant & Dec about the famous HOAX "alien autopsy" film by Ray Santilli.
Santilli's admission: According to Santilli, a set was constructed in the living room of an empty flat in Rochester Square, Camden Town, London. John Humphreys, an artist and sculptor, was employed to construct two dummy alien bodies over a period of three weeks, using casts containing sheep brains set in raspberry jam, chicken entrails and knuckle joints obtained from S.C. Crosby Wholesale Butchers in Smithfield meat market, London. Humphreys also played the role of the chief scientist undertaking the examination, in order to allow him to control the effects being filmed.
santilli was forced by ****** to admit the video was a fake. that video is not a fake. all this situazione non is a fake.
trust no one. neanche voi stessi. time is near.
t.d. if you are reaading this blog: 7|-|0/\/\45 (0|\|74(7 /\/\3
|\|0\/\/ I k|\|0\/\/.
Santilli describes his techinque in a book, by his his own will. Not at gun point! You must also believe in the tooth fairy, and Sanat Claus if you belive Sam, and his retarded stolen videos. watch how he rides the clues and sites, and contradicts himself from being "there', to having "found fotage", and lots of other laughble claims. These childish videos, and Sam ruins the fun and reality of the "REAL ALADYGMA"-(who are Two Germans, and NONE ELSE!) (NO BRAZILLIANS, or anyone else WERE THERE, during the events!)Follow the REAL clue sites, and the main page. The Germans are slowly adressing all gamejackers like him, a few have already been delt with.
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